Aluminium Infill Fence Panels
New modern look in high concrete fencing. Here aluminium infill panels compliment the fence and home.

Aluminium Infill Fence Panels
Infill panel fences add value to your property. Not only does Hi-Liner manufacture infill panels, we manufacture pedestrian, double or sliding gates to match the fence

Aluminium Infill Fence Panels
Low, modern and stylish infill fence panels. Talk to Bevan at Hi-Liner and give him your ideas. Hi-Liner are sure to come up with a design to suit your property.

Artistic Infill Panels
Artistic Infill Panels

Aluminium Infill Fence Panels and Sliding gate
Style and elegance is shown here to match a modern infill panel fence with a sliding gate. The aluminium fence and sliding gate add value to this property.

Aluminium Infill Ceiling Panels
Big and beautiful when infill ceiling panels and design come together. View the larger image to see the covered entertainment area with stylish aluminium panels.